
Rob Bonta
California State Assemblymember

Carroll Fife
District 3 City Councilmember

Loren Taylor
District 6 City Councilmember

Nikki Fortunato Bas
Council President + District 2 City Councilmember

Sheng Thao
District 4 City Councilmember

Rebecca Kaplan
City Councilmember At Large

Dan Kalb
District 1 City Councilmember

VanCedric Williams
District 3 School Board Director

Mike Hutchinson
District 5 School Board Director

PLAN Bay Area Parent Leadership Action Network

OEA Oakland Education Association

PVO Parent Voices Oakland

J4OS Justice for Oakland Students Coalition

Alameda Labor Council

Alameda County Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission

Cat Brooks
Anti-Police Terror Project (APTP)

BWOPA Black Women Organized for Political Action

Pastor Jenkins
Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church

Brotherhood of Elders

Black Women’s Caucus

Color of Change

EBASE East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy

Oakland Rising

FAME Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy

Dr. Macheo Payne Community and Youth Outreach

OKF Oakland Kids First

Parents United for Public Schools

East Oakland Youth Development Center

Oakland Not For Sale

Ward and Associates

OneLife Institute

SMC, Consultants

EBC Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Faith in Action East Bay

Imani Baptist Church

Imani Social Justice Ministry 

Alameda County Office of Urban Male Health

APEN Asian Pacific Environmental Network

Youth Together


Equity Allies

Educators for Democratic Schools

CBE Communities for a Better Environment

Crocker Highlands Equity Committee

CURYJ Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice

Asians for Black Lives

APALA Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, Alameda County Chapter 

Angela Normand
Alameda County Board of Education

Feels Festival


Join Black students, families, teachers, principals, staff, and allies to demand Reparations!

By design, structural and systemic anti-Black racism is baked into our public education system producing and maintaining educational and economic disparities for Black students. Today we see that Black families are disproportionately hit hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic downturn that comes with it.

We demand that OUSD dismantle anti-Black structures, practices, policies, and culture in our district that have harmed generations of Black families – and provide the reparations necessary to transform our education system and center Black thriving, as a strategy for meeting the needs of all students.

  • Design a community informed plan for a safe and healthy return to school prioritizing Black students and their families as the hardest hit by the covid-19 pandemic. Work with other county agencies to bring economic relief to Oakland’s Black and vulnerable families.
  • Commit to closing the Black digital divide that disproportionately limits access to information and resources to Black families. Provide all students with the technology and equipment they need to access information and learning resources during and beyond Covid-19.
  • End the Schools to Prison pipeline and implement the Black Organizing Project’s People’s Plan for police-free schools. End discriminatory discipline practices and disproportionate expulsions and suspensions of Black students.
  • Stop school closures and co-locations of charter schools at in-district schools. Especially at schools with high percentages of Black students. Create and invest in a new cohort of ‘historically Black’ schools (that are currently being targeted for closure).
  • Stop using the new ‘anti-Black’ equity formula that unfairly cuts from schools with high percentages of Black students. Undo the harm by restoring concentration funds, as well as any lost clerical staff or Assistant Principals that were taken away at those schools.

We demand a new aspirational vision and a multi-million dollar reparations fund for the remaining 8,314 Black students in OUSD to thrive.

  • Establish a Black Thriving Fund that brings targeted resources and opportunities (at the scale needed to dismantle anti-Black racism) to secure a just and equitable education for Black students. Use existing and new resources including LCFF and stimulus dollars, fundraising from multiple sources, partnering with the state, city and county, passing Schools and Communities First, etc.
  • Create a real Racial Equity Formula that takes into account all of the historic and current factors impacting Black communities (across designations of Foster Care, Homelessness, Special Education etc..)
  • Adopt a community-defined Black Thriving Index to establish the needs of Black students, and set goals, outcomes and indicators for the district and schools to be held accountable to and measure progress towards Black thriving.
  • Establish a Black Thriving Governance body that represents the voices of Black students, parents, families, communities and has the power to monitor the implementation of targeted plans and resources for Black thriving. Ensure that Black youth and Black family leaders are integrated into all district, city and county committees that monitor the ongoing implementation of these demands.

During the pandemic, Community Schools have become essential to Black families serving as hubs for much needed resources and support. A new deeper investment in the community schools model must center the needs of Black students and families and provide wrap-around services. To ensure that these schools center the needs of Black students and families we demand that OUSD:

  • Invest in Black Family Engagement by increasing opportunities to participate in decision making at the school and district levels.
  • Ensure that Black Students are ready for College, Career and Civic Leadership by providing resources for Black students to successfully obtain career training and complete A-G requirements.
  • Dramatically increase the literacy rates of Black students across all grades by creating a city-wide literacy campaign for Black students starting Summer 2020.
  • Prioritize resources for Black Academic Growth and Achievement by conducting an assessment of how the district uses LCAP funds to address the academic and socio-emotional needs of Black students across various designations.
  • Prioritize resources (facilities bond monies) to ensure that Black students in Alternative Education classes, programs and schools can thrive by funding a hub that supports the youth and their families.
  • Prioritize resources to create anti-Black racist cultures of belonging and  increase the cultural competence of our educators, staff and their school communities to center Black Thriving.
  • Resource and ensure that all Black families have access to pre-K early education including resources and services that support early family engagement.
  • Provide professional advocacy services to Black families who have children with IEPs.
  • Recruit and retain Black teachers and Black school leaders by meaningfully supporting and investing in them.

In addition to endorsing the demands to the District, I pledge that I will actively work with my school community to:

  • Name and interrupt anti-Black racism on campus;
  • Ensure Black representation on the SSC;
  • Assess Black student progress and include Black Thriving Strategies and goals in the school site plan;
  • Support teachers to implement anti-racist classroom practices;
  • Create an accountability and restorative process to address any incidents of anti-Black racism at my school;
  • Allocate SSC/PTSA funds for Black students to thrive;
  • Provide Support and resources to those most impacted by Covid-19;
  • Hire and retain Black teachers and school leaders;
  • Create a Black Family Engagement Committee to monitor the progress of SSC and the school leadership in meeting the Black Thriving Indicators; and
  • Create Black Affinity Spaces for parents, teachers, staff and students at my school.

To endorse the Resolution,
please sign below!